
Leading Process Engineer, Ph.DJulia POSLEDOVA

Leading Process Engineer, PhDNikolay BRAZHNIKOV

Konstantin KOROVIN
Head of Automation Department, PhDKonstantin KOROVIN
They taught seminars for chief process engineers and employees of such sugar plants as Lebedyansky, Uvarovsky, Novokubansky, Novopokrovsky, Gryazinsky, “Bolshevik” (Group of companies “Dominant”), Khmelnytsky, Borinsky, (Group of companies “Avrora”), Znamensky, Krivetsky (Group of companies “Rusagro”).
The subject of the seminars is the technology of beet sugar production and processing of raw cane sugar, adaptation of the HAССP certification system to beet sugar production.
Now our specialists have developed the training programs on sugar production technology both for basic and advanced levels and for different categories of sugar plant staff.
Training are held for process engineers in order to improve their qualification. Also, the training can be aimed at the employees, who do not have specialized education.
Due to the two-level system of education (bachelor’s and master ‘s degree), sugar plants often have to complete the education of the bachelors, who have basic higher education.
We can develop an individual course-training to improve the qualification of employees, who have bachelor’s degree in “Technology of processing of plant raw materials”.
The format, schedule and the content of the training are agreed individually at placement of the order.