Westeros Sugar offers the full range of technological equipment for sugar plants including:
- Stonecatchers and sandcatchers
- Strawcatcher and trashcatchers
- Water separators
- Beet washing set
- Defecosaturation station
- Juice clarifier-decanters
- Vacuum pans (batch type)
- Vertical crystallizers
- Strike receivers
- Massecuite distribution mixers
- Tube heaters
- Tanks and collectors
- Special, non-standard equipment
Our Equipment Design Department develops design documentation of the equipment from scratch using s modern software such as SolidWorks, AutoCad, Kompas 3D and etc.
Westeros Sugar also offers erection of equipment, chef erection, commissioning and automation services of all technological equipment of sugar factories as well as technological personnel training, equipment maintenance and repairs.
The equipment is manufactured at production sites in Voronezh and Voronezh Oblast.
Westeros Sugar together with manufacturers of Western European equipment offers to supply the equipment made according to the combined scheme, where manufacturing and supply of key components of equipment is from Europe and manufacturing of less critical parts / units of equipment at the production sites of Westeros Sugar in Voronezh.